The leading monthly magazine for medical equipment and devices, providing a unique buyerseller interface, Medical Buyer is a reliable source of information for purchase decision makers.

The web portal,, is positioned as the preferred source for medical equipment and devices buyers in India, searching for vendors and product information. The portal provides an opportunity for vendors to build brand image, provide live business information, and generate customer leads.


Targeted at around 15,000 to 50,000 select audience who are the decision makers for equipment procurement, an email is sent to them with a specific message or product launch.


The ADI Media portals have helped create a community of equipment buyers and sellers across their respective verticals in India. The portals already receive thousands of page views daily these are growin.


It is targeted at around 15,000 to 50,000 select audience, who are the decision makers for equipment procurement. Inclusion of any new announcement, views, opinions, product launch, event invite, whitepaper will bring awareness/web traffic to your website.

Content Updates

Each portal publishes current news on the portal homepage daily, as well as the complete magazine content every month. Legacy content is also available on the portal in a searchable format. All these features make the portal an attractive source of business information on equipment.

Search Engine Optimization

A team of search engine optimizers is constantly at work to improve the reach of the portal. Buyers searching information on equipment, solutions, and services on the web will find their way to our portals.




Decision makers and influencers for purchase of medical equipment and devices across healthcare delivery channels