TV Veopar Journal is the only consumer electronics, home appliances, and air conditioners magazine in India, networking with retail counters across the length and breadth of the country for three decades. The magazine has carved a niche for itself, closely tracking sales and profits, prevailing prices and trade incentives, technology and policies, and a gamut of industry and trade issues.

The web portal is a powerful online resource of information on Consumer Electronics, Home Appliances, and Air Conditioners industry. It is referred by online consumers who are looking for an independent source for buying CE and HA products. It is also a referral for dealers, distributors, and modern retail counters spanning the entire country.

TV Veopar Journal’s strength is in its intensive circulation among the trade, the goodwill in terms of reliability of its bold editorial content it has built over the past 35 years, and the retention and long shelf life of each edition. It is a referral for the dealers, distributors, and SSDs network spanning the entire country, including metros, class A, B and C cities and towns. This includes modern retail counters. The magazine is also read by television and component manufacturers, government agencies, and foreign associates.


Targeted at around 15,000 to 25,000 select audience who are the decision makers for equipment procurement, an email is sent to them with a specific message or product launch.


The ADI Media portals have helped create a community of equipment buyers and sellers across their respective verticals in India. The portals already receive thousands of page views daily these are growin.


It is targeted at around 15,000 to 25,000 select audience, who are the decision makers for equipment procurement. Inclusion of any new announcement, views, opinions, product launch, event invite, whitepaper will bring awareness/web traffic to your website.

Content Updates

Each portal publishes current news on the portal homepage daily, as well as the complete magazine content every month. Legacy content is also available on the portal in a searchable format. All these features make the portal an attractive source of business information on equipment.

Search Engine Optimization

A team of search engine optimizers is constantly at work to improve the reach of the portal. Buyers searching information on equipment, solutions, and services on the web will find their way to our portals.




Dealer network and modern retail stores spanning the entire country, including metros and class A, B, and C cities and towns as also the decision makers in the CE, HA & AC industry, component manufacturers, government agencies, and foreign associates.